How Serious are YOU about Selling?

So…you want to sell more business this year. You want to close more deals.  You want to get more new customers.


If the answer is YES, you need to listen to this episode right now…and then ask yourself how serious you really are about SELLING!

Pest Control Marketing Podcast – Telephone Sales

If you have a telephone, you need to listen to this podcast episode immediately! (And be prepared to ask yourself some really tough questions.)

FACT: Your telephone is either making you money or costing you money.  In this episode, you will hear some things that you might not want to hear.  As a matter of fact, it might (and should) cause you to take a long look…and L-I-S-T-E-N…to who’s answering YOUR phone!

Pest Control Marketing Podcast – How to market your business on YouTube!

In this episode, pest control marketing wizzard Hal Coleman discusses with internet audio and video marketing pioneer Mike Stewart, the power and magnitude of using simple, iphone videos to attract more new customers from the internet.

After you listen to this week’s episode below, go up to the menu bar and click on the ‘Video Blog Creation’ tab and check out Mike’s dynamite program that shows you exactly how to create your own great iphone videos!