Pest Control Marketing Podcast – First Impressions Count BIG TIME!

Pest control marketing…or small business marketing in general…is much easier when you make a great FIRST IMPRESSION.

Psychologists tell us that people form an impression of us within the first four seconds. WOW!  This is extremely important…especially when you are trying to sell something to someone.  If you make a bad first impression, nothing else matters. You are almost always going to lose the sale.

Click on the link below and listen to this short episode of The Pest Control Marketing Podcast and Hal Coleman will share a great story of how a great first impression got the sale (and several bad ones that didn’t work out so well)!

Pest Control Marketing Podcast – How To Overcome Objections

Pest Control Marketing and Selling is a lot easier when you know how to minimize the number of objections you get.  It’s a FACT that, if you can eliminate all objections, the prospect has no other choice but to say YES.

But…we don’t live in a perfect world, so that rarely happens.

Actually, the best way to handle an objection is to not get it in the first place.

Listen to this short episode of The Pest Control Marketing Podcast and I’ll explain what I mean. to overcome objections .mp3

Pest Control Marketing Podcast – The Awesome Power of FREE!

The most powerful, buying response-generating word in the English language is the word FREE.

Find ways to give valuable things to your customers…for FREE…and you will see your loyalty…and your business…grow.

Listen to this short episode of The Pest Control Marketing Podcast for some tips on exactly how to use FREE to grow your pest control business!