Pest Control Marketing SERP Terms and Why You Need Know, Share and Market Yours!

Hal and Mike discuss how important it is to know, share and marketing your SERP terms of your local pest control business.
Do you know what SERP terms are? Do you know your own? Are you teaching your marketing how to remember them on a subconscious level?

PCO Erik Gardner of Volunteer Rid a Pest Shares His Marketing Experience

Hal and Mike interview successful PCO Erik Gardner of Volunteer Rid a Pest, examples of success from implementing the systems that get results.
and attend events to learn more like our annual event that is virtual online, requiring no travel!

Watch it live at

Don’t let The Fear Factor limit YOU and YOUR Business Pest Control Growth!

FEAR is the number one factor that binds business owners and keeps them from growing their businesses. In this episode of The Pest Control Marketing Podcast, Hal & Mike discuss how to face your fears and overcome them so you can move forward and create more wealth and success both in your business and in your life!